3" exhaust

14. März 2005
as some of you know from my battery moving thread I've had a 3" stainless steel exhaust fitted yesterday it was fitted by www.LPSAUTO.com the shop where we had our Rolling Road/Dyno day in March of this year...

the exhaust is 3" from the turbo to behind the gearbox then it flows down to 2.5" to retain the standard rearbox & tailpipes

as follows some nice pictures of the day...


remove the nasty 90deg elbow


offer up the first section that has only been tack welded

with some more welding.........

it looks like this

fully welded..

this is the complete first section it goes from the turbo to near the gearbox dip-stick..

this section goes from the dip-stick to the back of the gearbox near the floor

as welded up by Steve a "God of the welding rods"

a view from near the gearbox


the gearbox bracket.

a reducer was made to flow down from 3" to 2.5"

some pictures of the complete exhaust..




from the turbo past the gearbox backwards..


some of the other cool motor there yesterday..

a sleeper T8

the BadBoy is waiting to have a supercharger fitted 2005 Mystang


enjoy Paul :icon_cool
*Grrrrrrr* Yeah, that's what i call an automobile!!!!!

Looks like a good work from your pal Steve! Is a stainless rear silencer still to come? Did you check your engine after fitting the downpipe on the dyno again?

Uhoh, i think there is no need for a oilpan dip stick, eh? I think everybody with an 900/1 ist doing the oil level check the same way:

wet oilpan = okay, still got some oil :thumbsup
dry oilpan = a.) great, new seals :daumenhoch
b.) ohoh, no oil in engine anymore!!!!big problem! :staun

As a buddy of mine said once: "No man, my SAAB is not drippin oil, it just leaves his own signature on the parking lot!!!!" :err
But nice cilynder head anyway! And a nice documentation. If I may ask, how much cost such a stainless tube? without welding, that is. .
as follows some nice pictures of the day...

...and what do you think about a picture of my Saabs backside ?, please notice the powerfull huge downpipe at the leftside !

Cheers Grufti

No I'm going to leave the standard rearbox on at the moment as this is good for 250bhp
I will be having my T8 on the Dyno again soon to see what gains I have made by fitting a 3" system

glad you all like it Paul
no chance, Grufti. Please translate "homo saapiens"... ;-) :00000504
@ Paul this guy called "Grufti", just don't take him serious when it comes to performace that is more then standard...

And yes nice work...
no chance, Grufti. Please translate "homo saapiens"... ;-)

Also KGB, immer diese Pedanten !!!

Ich kenn einen lieben, saabfahrenden, knorrigen Latein-und Englischlehrer aD, der war total entsetzt über das, wie er sagte, grammatikalisch völlig falsche "homo Saabiens" !
"Homo sabensis" (der Mensch des Saabes) müsse es lateinisch korrekt heissen, dozierte er (G.W. aus Minga) mit todernster Lehrermine !

Eine Woche später traf ich G.W erneut. beim Münchner Saab-Stammtisch und diesmal LACHTE er tatsächlich. -
Na ja, sagte er gütig, ich hab mir's überlegt. In Anbetracht des humorvoll beabsichtigten Gleichklanges mit unserem allseits bekannten Vorfahr, dem "homo sapiens", könne man den "Homo Saabiens" gerade noch durchgehen lassen...

Aber weh tut sowas einem eingefleischten Lateiner schon... *g*

In diesem Sinne allen ein schönes, sonniges, unfallfreies, saabfahrendes WE

Euer "Homo Saabiens-Grufti"

PS: Allen denjenigen, die's noch genauer wissen möchte, wünsche ich bei folgender Lektüre (kopiert aus Wissen.de) viel Spass und Selbsterkennung... *lol*
Die gestrengen Homosapienserectionusnachkommenmoderatoren Erik, Matti usw. mögen es einfach nicht ignorieren, oder rauslöschen, bitte, danke !) ;-)

[Homo sapiens lateinisch, "vernunftbegabter Mensch"]
auf Homo erectus folgende Art; kann anatomisch unterteilt werden in den modernen Homo sapiens, dessen Schädel und Körperbau sich grundsätzlich nicht vom heutigen Menschen unterscheiden, und in den archaischen Homo sapiens. Letzterer entwickelte sich in den verschiedenen Kontinenten in unterschiedlicher Weise. In Europa mündete seine Entwicklung in dem robust gebauten Neandertaler. In Afrika ist eine zunehmende Modernisierung der Schädelform vom frühen archaischen Homo sapiens (z. B. Broken Hill, Ndutu) zum späten archaischen Homo sapiens (z. B. Laetoli, Jebel Irhoud, Florisbad) festzustellen sowie die Entstehung des modernen Homo sapiens vor rund 130 000 Jahren (Omo, Klasies River). Aus Ostasien sind andere Formen des archaischen Homo sapiens bekannt, wie aus China (Dali, Jinniushan) und Java (Ngandong), die zwischen 200 000 und 100 000 Jahre alt sind. Wahrscheinlich fand nur in Afrika eine direkte Entwicklung vom archaischen zum modernen Homo sapiens statt. Der moderne Mensch breitete sich später in die übrigen Kontinente aus; frühe Funde belegen seine Existenz im Nahen Osten vor rund 100 000, in Europa vor 35 000, in Ostasien vor 40 000-50 000 und in Amerika vor rund 20 000 Jahren.
die schreibweise "homo Saabiens" (laut aufkleber) wär ja schon laut nomenklatur falsch, der alte carl von linne´tät sich im grab umdrehen :lol

dem lateinlehrer sollte ein bier ausgegeben werden!
another picture I found, this time the 3" going past the gearbox dip-stick & manifold


whats that in English boys.....................

Hi Manitou,
please translate my whole story for Paul. Thanks !
I suppose you to be the most able ... *g*

Btw, do you know, why did Kain kill his brother Abel ? -
Because Kain was not able... ;-)))

Sorry and Cheers yours Grufti
i am sorry Gerd, to tired and to busy to translate... we got the exames in a couple weeks... Also Paul, it is just about some English (another Gert) teacher who complains about the latain gramma behind the saying on Gerds hatchback "I am a homo Saabiens"...

I neither understand it... Also don't really want to...

sorry about that but maybe someone esle...
I've found a picture of a 3" JT system & compare it to mine

JT 3"

my 3"

I'll take some better pictures at the weekend  :biglaugh

I took some temperatures under the bonnet over the weekend, as since I've fiited the 3" I've notice how hot things get.....

I used a digital laser temperature gauge just a point'n'pull the trigger thing very simple...

the results are very interesting....

I'll put both Celsius & Fahrenheit results in..

first set of figures are with T8 driven 6 miles at up to 30mph & not using the Turbo so no boost

Turbo 264/507
Exhaust 1. 2"/50mm away from turbo flange 176/348.8
Exhaust 2. 8"/200mm away from turbo 90/194
Mnaifold 275/527
Camcover 53/127.4
Innerwing 74/165.2
Rad 70/158
I/C 30/86
bonnet over turbo hotspot 51/123.8

test 2.

car driven 28 miles with speeds up to 100mph & car being driven 40mph or less for last 2 miles temperatures taken with engine idling

Turbo 390/734
Exhaust 1. 256/492.8
Exhaust 2. 117/242.6
Manifold 365/689
Camcover 48/118.4
Innerwing 95/203
Rad 84/183.2
I/C 32/89.6
Bonnet over turbo hotspot 45/113

test 3.

car driven home 5 miles on main roads then the longer 30 miles on twisty minor roads more fun with more turbo boosting, then the last 2 miles driven at 30mph or less.
temps taken with engine idling again

Turbo 430/806
Exhaust 1. 270/518
Exhaust 2. 130/266
Manifold 405/761
Camcover 43/109.4
Innerwing 96/204.8
Rad 80/176
I/C 28/82.4
Bonnet over turbo hotspot 37/98.6

other high temps took were the wheels
front Inca's 44/111.2
rear Inca's 32/89.6

Brake disc's
front 51/123.8
rear 35/95

so things get very very hot just think how hot things get with "WOT"

Hello PDA,

i have an question do your intercooler, wich intercooler is in your car??
Is it from a 9000 saab??

Can you send me any Pictures?

Thanks to you and it is a nice work your 3" Downpipe.....

Greetings from Munich