Saab Session Slovakia 2013 - 11. - 13. Oktober 2013

Aber echt so ziemlich das volle Programm! Von 93 über Nette und frühen 99er dann sogar bis zum 9-5 II SC. Alle Achtung!
Hallo allerseits,

dies schrieb mir heute noch Roman Ulik, Präsident des Saab Club Slovakia -

At the middle of October the traditional SAAB SESSION SLOVAKIA took place at the marvelous Slovakian mountains. 55 cars and 125 enthusiasts met and enjoyed an unbelievable autumn weather. As usual our good friends from Poland, Czech Republic and Austria came and added Slovakian squadron. And what a squadron! Starting from 93 and ending 9-5 M.Y.2012. Let’s name 93 from 1959, replica 96 Sport, Sonett III, Victor Muller’s 9-5, 9-4X, 9-5 Sport Combi, etc… The program was exiting too. We crossed the river by small ferry /just 6 cars per sail/, visited state of the art KIA factory and had 1 hour cruise on traditional wooden rafts and SAAB 96 on the roof too. Then we drove 49 cars in a convoy to the town for super lunch. Obviously our club painter Marek who is also well known at SU joined us and we had an auction of his masterpieces. Next day we climbed up to historical castle having spectacular view.
This was the second part of SAAB SESSION SLOVAKIA and we all are looking forward to the next part.

Schönen Gruss!
