How to think out of the box - DI mal anders

06. Juni 2009
900 I
900 Turbo mit DI und APC, 900 Turbo mit DI und T5, 900 Turbo Megasquirt. Alles hatten wir schon und alles funktioniert(e) mehr oder weniger gut. Das Verlangen dem 900er eine DI zu verpassen scheint also vorhanden zu sein unabhaengig davon ob es als Tunigmassnahme oder lediglich als persoenliche Herausforderung dient um zu sehen wie weit man gehen kann. Ein weiteres Kapitel in der 900TU mit DI Geschichte wurde kuerzlich im Nordwesten der USA, genauer gesagt im Bundesstatt Washington gestartet. Das Ziel war es ein eigenes stand alone engine management mit einer DI Kasette zu verbinden. Natuerlich kam es zu Problemen, denn man kennt es ja, nichts geht so wie man es gerne haette. Kreativitaet war also angesagt und fuehrte zu einem etwas anderen Ansatz. Es hat viele Stunden Arbeit gekostet es fertig zu bekommen.Vernuenftige Verkabelungen ziehen, Zuendungs- und Benzinkennfelder einstellen, und die Vorbereitung einer etwas anderen Methode der Direkteinspritzung. Das Ergebnis hat sich gelohnt. Um es in den Worten des Besitzers widerzugeben: „Pulls like a freight train“ :smile:. Ich kann es bestaetigen, denn mein Freund lies mich den Gueterzug mal fahren, aus dem man gar nicht mehr aussteigen moechte.
Eine Beschreibung des Projektes findet ihr hier und weitere Bilder hier. Viel Spass damit und vielleicht meldet sich mein Freund ja doch noch mal hier an, denn ich weiss, dass er hier mitliest…
Well this is very difficult since I do not speak German. I can use Google translator to read, but it will not allow me to log on and keep the translation function.:frown: I'll have to run two sessions.
Turbo Stephan and I have had some fun it the garage the past few weekends. Some work to my car, some to his, and it has been a pleasure to work with him.
The coil on plug is a by- product of getting the crank and cam position. My goal was to be able to sequentially control spark and fuel to each cylinder.

First impressions performance is much improved over the dist, cap rotor, HT leads, and original crank reference angle reading. Smoother power and I am able to run higher boost where than the old system where the spark seemed to get blown out when the engine came on cam (4700) RPM.
Well this is very difficult since I do not speak German. I can use Google translator to read, but it will not allow me to log on and keep the translation function.:frown: I'll have to run two sessions.
Turbo Stephan and I have had some fun it the garage the past few weekends. Some work to my car, some to his, and it has been a pleasure to work with him.
The coil on plug is a by- product of getting the crank and cam position. My goal was to be able to sequentially control spark and fuel to each cylinder.

First impressions performance is much improved over the dist, cap rotor, HT leads, and original crank reference angle reading. Smoother power and I am able to run higher boost where than the old system where the spark seemed to get blown out when the engine came on cam (4700) RPM.

Welcome aboard. I see you made it. No worries about the German. I guess most of the people do not have much problems to understand you. I also think most of the guys would like it here and the meetings of the NWSOC we have every now and then.

Working with squaab99t is a lot of fun and I always learn so much things. I guess it is similar with other people here on the forum. They meet up, work together and have fun by learning and trying new things. In the end it's all about the crazyness of driving Saab which nobody than us would understand :smile:.
Dankeschön I'm always up for learning new things, especially if it makes the Saabs more enjoyable. Look forward to exchanging ideas and options with the board.